Webster's Dictionary describes 'Shock' as 'the sudden stimulation of the nerves and convulsive contractions of the muscles caused by the discharge of electricity through the body.' Mustang Studios incorporates a sizzling sensual spin in this first 'Mustang Gold' production. "Shock's" surge of erotic power will definitely leave you tingling!
Running Time: ca. 90 min Starring: Aaron Osborn, Alec Martinez, Anthony Shaw, Billy Knight, Buddy Jones, Chad Hunt, Clint Cooper, Eddie Moreno, Evan Taylor, Jack Ryan, Jackson Price, Kyle Hardin, Leo Bramm, Logan Krewe, Mark Skyler, Michael Vincenzo, Robert Balint, Roland Dane, Ryan Zane, Director: Chi Chi La Rue
Studio: Mustang / Falcon Categories: DVDs & Media, DVDs, Studs, Muscular
Silver State Services LLC, 4011 W Oquendo Rd, Suite A, Las Vegas NV 89118, USA, Importer: Kraho GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 12/Objekt 3, 1220 Wien, Austria, info@kraho.com
Webster's Dictionary describes 'Shock' as 'the sudden stimulation of the nerves and convulsive contractions of the muscles caused by the discharge of electricity through the body.' Mustang Studios incorporates a sizzling sensual spin in this first 'Mustang Gold' production. "Shock's" surge of erotic power will definitely leave you tingling!Mustang Studios incorporates a sizzling sensual spin in this first 'Mustang Gold' production. Shock's surge of erotic power will definitely leave you tingling!Webmaster's Dictionary beschreibt diesen Streifen als 'die überrschende Stimulation der Nerven und das krampfhafte Zusammenzucken der Muskeln, das durch Elektrizität im Körper verursacht wird'. Mustang Studios nimmt geile, prickelnde Szenen in dieser ersten 'Mustang Gold' Produktion auf. Die Wallungen der erotischen Macht dieses Streifens lassen vibrieren!Mustang Studios nimmt geile, prickelnde Szenen in dieser ersten 'Mustang Gold' Produktion auf. Die Wallungen der erotischen Macht dieses Streifens lassen vibrieren!La première partie de Mustang Gold Productions. Du sexe chaud, des scènes picotantes, pour des vibrations érotiques!Mustang Studios incorpora un giro ardiente y sensual en su primera producción, “Mustang Gold”. Las oleadas de poder erótico de Shock te dejarán sin duda temblando. È la prima parte della Mustang Gold' production con delle scene assolutamente incredibili. È un film altamente erotico.Mustang Studios neemt geile, prikkelende scénes in deze eerste 'Mustang Gold' productie op. De opwellingen van erotische machten in deze serie laten jou van alle kanten fibreren! Aaron Osborn, Alec Martinez, Anthony Shaw, Billy Knight, Buddy Jones, Chad Hunt, Clint Cooper, Eddie Moreno, Evan Taylor, Jack Ryan, Jackson Price, Kyle Hardin, Leo Bramm, Logan Krewe, Mark Skyler, Michael Vincenzo, Robert Balint, Roland Dane, Ryan Zane, Chi Chi La Rue Studio Mustang / Falcon DVDs & Media DVDs Studs Muscular