Angel faced pretty boys, with devilishly dirty appetites explore their wild side in this ass smackin’- action packed, pound down! From cutie Billy Quinn’s early sex scene, to certified twink porn superstars, Calvin Banks, and Travis Stevens, this collection boasts only the most beautiful, “Blazing Hot Boys!” These young, hung hunks hammer their handsome buddies’ tight behinds, till their heavy low hangers heave a hefty, sweet sigh of raunchy release! Sit back, relax, and let these lusty, young lads help take a load off!
A note about barebacking: This film contains bareback sex or cum eating scenes. Without further protection, these are unsafe sex pratices that put you at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE UNSAFE SEX!!!
For further information about Safer Sex, PrEP and protection through treatment, please check, e.g., these links:, and I Want PrEP Now.
13 Red Media LTD, PO Box 98019, Las Vegas, NV 89193, USA, Importer: Kraho GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 12/Objekt 3, 1220 Wien, Austria,
Angel faced pretty boys, with devilishly dirty appetites explore their wild side in this ass smackin’- action packed, pound down! From cutie Billy Quinn’s early sex scene, to certified twink porn superstars, Calvin Banks, and Travis Stevens, this collection boasts only the most beautiful, “Blazing Hot Boys!” These young, hung hunks hammer their handsome buddies’ tight behinds, till their heavy low hangers heave a hefty, sweet sigh of raunchy release! Sit back, relax, and let these lusty, young lads help take a load off!Engelsgesichtige hübsche Jungs mit teuflisch schmutzigen Gelüsten erkunden ihre wilde Seite in diesem Arschklatscher voller Action, haut rein! Von der frühen Sexszene des süßen Billy Quinn bis hin zu den zertifizierten Twink-Pornosuperstars Calvin Banks und Travis Stevens bietet diese Sammlung nur die schönsten „Blazing Hot Boys“! Diese jungen, gut bestückten Kerle hämmern auf die knackigen Hinterteile ihrer gutaussehenden Kumpels ein, bis ihre schweren Hänger einen kräftigen, süßen Seufzer der geilen Erlösung ausstoßen! Lehne dich zurück, entspanne dich und lass dir von diesen lüsternen, jungen Burschen helfen, eine Last von dir zu nehmen! Dallas Preston, Noah Bentley, Asher Haynes, Billy Quinn, Alex Riley, Zach Letoa, Calvin Banks, Travis Stevens, Caleb Gray, Jace Myers Studio Helix DVDs & Media DVDs Bareback Twinks (18-22)